„Early Modern Art History and BildEvidenz“

Workshop der Kolleg-Forschergruppe BildEvidenz. Geschichte und Ästhetik mit Joost Keizer, Alexander Nagel, Giovanni Careri, Michel Weemans und Bertrand Prévost.

Berlin, 25.07.2012



Joost Keizer (New Haven)

Piero’s Realism


Alexander Nagel (New York)

Orientations in Renaissance Art


Giovanni Careri (Paris)

Typology at Its Limits. Visual Exegesis and Eschatology in the Sistine Chapel


Michel Weemans (Paris)

Expanded Typology and the Book of Nature. Henri met de Bles‘ „Preaching of John the Baptist“ as Visual Exegesis


Bertrand Prévost (Bordeaux)

Deleuze, Didi-Huberman and the Critique of „Evidence“


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