Victor I. Stoichita

 Porträt Victor I. Stoichita

Victor I. Stoichita

Professor (em.) for Early Modern Art History at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland)


Oktober 2019 – Januar 2020


Die Macht des Blickes / The Power of the Gaze

The first part of the research focuses on Renaissance portraits as settings of optical conflicts. If the portrait exhibits the person, how can it be protected? This part will consider the neuropsychological notion of “peripersonal space”, the region of space immediately surrounding our bodies within which objects can be grasped and manipulated. The gaze will be considered in its agency, able to act within this space. Works by Dürer, Raphael, and northern Italian artists will serve to illustrate this phenomenon. The second part considers armour during the High Renaissance as a double of the body, a kind of super-body, a simulacrum that is inhabited. Armor is discussed as an essential component of the organism of power that reinforces the actual body even as it hides it, constructing the princely person and integrating him into a hierarchical space and hence into a precarious equilibrium between domination and submission.


  • Visual hermeneutics; Function of images in the Western tradition; Renaissance and Baroque painting (especially Italian and Spanish)


Darker Shades. The Racial Other Early Modern Art (The Louvre Lectures 2014), London, Reaktion Books, 2019 (French, Rumanian, Spanish, Italian translations)

Des Corps. Anatomies, Défenses, Fantasmes, Geneva, Droz, 2019

Les Fileuses de Velázquez, Textes, textures, images, Paris, Fayard/Collège de France, 2018

On Several Telepathic Dispositifs. Vittore Carpaccio’s Cycle of Paintings in the Scuola degli Schiavoni in Venice (Panofsky Lecture 2017), Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag/Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 2017

Il Sistema del velo / Système du voile (co-editor), Turin, Aracne Editrice, 2016

L’Effet Sherlock Holmes. Variations du regard de Manet à Hitchcock, Paris, Hazan, 2015 (Italian, Spanish and Rumanian translations)

The Self-Aware Image. An Insight into the Earyl Modern Metapainting <1993> (second improved edition), Harvey Miller/Brepols, London/Turnhout, 2015 (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Rumanian, Polish, Japanese, Portuguese translations)

Oublier Bucarest, Arles, Actes Sud, 2014 (Médaille de vermeil of the Académie Française, Spanish and Rumanian translations)

Figures de la transgression, Geneva, Droz, 2013 (Spanish, Japanese and Rumanian translations)

Le Corps transparent (editor), Rome, Erma di Bretschneider, 2013

Brève Histoire de l’ombre (2000), new improved edition, Geneva, Droz, 2019 (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Rumanian, Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Chinese  translations)

Bildnachweis: Giorgia Fiorio


Victor I. Stoichita

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