Péter Bokody


Péter Bokody

Lecturer in Art History, Plymouth University, UK

In Residence

März 2018 – April 2018

Research Project

Renaissance Metapainting

My research focus is the emergence of painting as a self-reflexive medium in Italy around 1300 and the aftermath of this transformation in the Renaissance. I am interested in the connection between the use of images-within-images in the 14th and 15th century. In the works of Giotto di Bondone, Taddeo Gaddi, Bernardo Daddi and the Lorenzetti brothers embedded images and illusionistic solutions appear not only to enhance but as well to reconsider realistic representation. The visual self-reflexivity characterizing Italian painting around 1300 can be paralleled to similar tendencies after 1450. However, the direct continuity between these two periods (that the former would have founded the latter) is not self evident. I will revisit this question by examining metapictorial and iconographic aspects of works produced around 1400 by Florentine and Sienese painters.

Research Interests

    • Art of medieval and renaissance Italy
    • Metapainting
    • Political iconography of sexual violence
    • Philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas


Images-within-Images in Italian Painting: Reality and Reflexivity. Burlington: Ashgate, 2015 (paperback: Routledge, 2017).

Image and Christianity: Visual Media in the Middle Ages. Ex. Cat. Pannonhalma: Pannonhalma Abbey, 2014.

“Florentine Women and Vendetta: the Origin of Guelf-Ghibelline Conflict in Giovanni Villani’s Nuova Cronica.” Source: Notes in the History of Art 37 (2017): 5-14.

“After Paradigm: Iconography and Giotto.” IKON: Journal of Iconographic Studies 7 (2014): 131-141.

“Justice, Love and Rape: Giotto’s Allegories of Justice and Injustice in the Arena Chapel, Padua.” In The Iconology of Law and Order, ed. Anna Kerchy and György Szőnyi, 55-66. Szeged: JATE Press, 2012.


Péter Bokody

Center for Advanced Studies BildEvidenz

Arnimallee 10
14195 Berlin