Prof. Dr. Chiara Cappelletto

Prof. Dr. Chiara Cappelletto

Universität Mailand, Fachbereich Philosophie


Juni – Juli 2018

Juni – Juli 2017


Does fictionality enhance dynamis? Performing images in a global world

How can the fictionality of images and performances establish public truth? I will work through this question by focusing on the relation between agency and fiction, paying particular attention to the work of the Lebanese-American artist Walid Raad, which will serve as a case study together with the Atlas Group’s recollection of historical documentation. The core issue will be how performed images—and their photographical reproduction, with its “sense of presence”—can witnesses historical facts that are nonetheless placed within fictional narratives. How do we build public memories? Can they be non-ideological? Returning to Coleridge’s all too well-known phrase, I will discuss not how we suspend our disbelief about the artefactuality of the picture in order to trust it, but rather how we assign it its fictionality, even though it seems so alive as to be real.


  • Contemporary aesthetics, neuroaesthetics, visual culture, and theatrical and performative arts
  • Constitution of subjects through aesthetic processes
  • Dynamics of identity embodiment and self-expression through different types of media
  • Representational dynamics, the notion of fiction, the political nature of performance


Neuroestetica. L’arte del cervello, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009.

Figure della rappresentazione: gesto e citazione in Bertolt Brecht e Walter Benjamin, Mimesis, Milano 2002.

The Performing Image, or How the Visual Dimension is Enacted by Pictures, in TransVisuality – Dimensioning the visual in a visual culture, H. Dam Christensen, T. Kristensen, e A. Michelsen (eds.), Liverpool University Press, 2013, pp. 59-74.

Théâtre et neurosciences : fiction versus naturalisation, “Epistémocritique: littérature et savoirs” article299&lang=fr, 2013.

L’icône et le corps du fantasme, in Une absence présente. Figures de l’image mémorielle, P. Conte (eds.), Mimesis France, 2013, pp. 105-120.

La finzione del dualismo: per un uomo virtuale, in Il post-umano e l’etica del nuovo Potenziamento umano, biologia sintetica, robotica, L. Marini e A. Carlino (eds.), Carocci, Roma 2012, pp. 114-123.

Bill Viola ou l’image sans représentation, “Images Re-vues”, vol. 8, Institut national de l’histoire de l’art, Paris, 2011.

The puppet’s paradox: An organic prosthesis, “RES: Journal of Anthropology and Aesthetics”, 59/60, Spring/Autumn, Harvard University Press, 2011, pp. 325-336.

Estetica della fruizione teatrale. La virtualità della scena e l’esperienza dello spettatore, in La filosofia a teatro, A. Costazza (eds.), Quaderni di Acme, Cisalpino, vol. 118, 2010, pp. 535-556.

La natura finzionale dell’immagine nel confronto con le neuroscienze, “PsicoArt”, vol.1,, 2010.

L’attore: una figura chiasmatica, in Filosofie sull’attore, K.L. Angioletti (eds.), LED, Milano 2010, pp. 63-78.


Chiara Cappelletto

Kolleg-Forschergruppe BildEvidenz

Arnimallee 10
14195 Berlin