Thomas Hauschild

 Porträt Thomas Hauschild

Thomas Hauschild

Professor of Social/Cultural Anthropology and of the Comparative Sociology of Cultures
Universität Halle-Wittenberg

In Residence

October 2013 – March 2014

Research Project

Spirits and Ghosts

The focus of this book project is on literary and visual-arts traditions of spirit phenomena and practices in agrarian mass societies, particularly in Europe, in the lands around the Mediterranean, in the Middle East, and in China. Investigations will also be conducted into concepts of God and the soul in Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, into scientific traditions of experimentation with near-death experiences, discourses on out-of-body experiences, imagined encounters and consciousness (“spirit”), and into the latest findings of present-day neurobiology and experimental philosophy. Research on these topics is under way in the context of efforts to establish a theory of the biological and social construction of the perception of time, space, and people.

Research Interests

  • The social and cultural anthropology of Catholicism
  • Religion, politics, and geography around the Mediterranean and in Europe
  • Anthropological museology
  • The history of anthropology, especially anthropology and Fascism


Weihnachtsmann. Die wahre Geschichte, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer-Verlag 2012.

Von Vogelmenschen, Piloten und Schamanen. Kulturgeschichte und Technologien des Fliegens, Thomas Hauschild, Britta Heinrich et al. (eds.), Edition azur: Leipzig, 2011.

Ritual und Gewalt. Ethnologische Studien an europäischen und mediterranen Gesellschaften, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2008.

Räume. Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften, Thomas Hauschild, Michael Frank, Bettina Gockel et al. (eds.) (issue no. 2), Bielefeld: transcript 2008.

Macht und Magie in Italien, Gifkendorf: Merlin-Verlag 2002.


Thomas Hauschild

Center for Advanced Studies BildEvidenz

Arnimallee 10
14195 Berlin